Innsbruck, Austria

Linguistics and Media Studies

Sprach- und Medienwissenschaft

Language: German Studies in German
Subject area: journalism and information
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Doktor/in der Philosophie, Dr. phil
6 Semester
Linguistics is the scientific study of language, and involves an analysis of language form, language meaning, and language in context. The earliest activities in the documentation and description of language have been attributed to the 6th century BC Indian grammarian Pāṇini, who wrote a formal description of the Sanskrit language in his Aṣṭādhyāyī.
Media may refer to:
Media Studies
Media studies is a discipline and field of study that deals with the content, history, and effects of various media; in particular, the mass media. Media studies may draw on traditions from both the social sciences and the humanities, but mostly from its core disciplines of mass communication, communication, communication sciences, and communication studies. Researchers may also develop and employ theories and methods from disciplines including cultural studies, rhetoric (including digital rhetoric), philosophy, literary theory, psychology, political science, political economy, economics, sociology, anthropology, social theory, art history and criticism, film theory, feminist theory, and information theory.
Languages are no more than the keys of Sciences. He who despises one, slights the other.
Jean de La Bruyère, The Characters or Manners of the Present Age (1688), Chapter XII.
Lash'd into Latin by the tingling rod.
John Gay, The Birth of the Squire, line 46.
* * * Philologists, who chase
A panting syllable through time and space
Start it at home, and hunt it in the dark,
To Gaul, to Greece, and into Noah's Ark.
William Cowper, Retirement, line 691.
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