Valladolid, Spain



Language: Spanish Studies in Spanish
Subject area: engineering and engineering trades
Kind of studies: full-time studies
University website:
Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.
Architecture differs from a work of art, which can be displayed in different settings and the subject-matter, form and meaning will remain unchanged. The physicality of any built structure can be altered over time as additions and alterations are made. Moreover, a building or work of architecture can change its function as it meets the different demands of its occupants, although its exterior appearance may be unaltered. And its meaning may change depending on the nature of the context. This reveals some of the problems of interpreting historic architecture from a modern-day perspective as the physical changes and different cultural contexts transform the object.
Dana Arnold, Reading Architectural History (2002), Ch. 1 : Reading the past : What is architectural history?
Behold, ye builders, demigods who made England's Walhalla [Westminster Abbey].
Theodore Watts-Dunton, The Silent Voices, No. 4, The Minster Spirits.
The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.
Psalms. CXVIII. 22.
The brightness of the Sun varies on all time scales and wavelengths. An EU-funded initiative is gathering scattered observations from over 25 instruments to accurately represent how solar irradiance variability influences Earth's climate.
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