Olomouc, Czech Republic

German Literature

Německá literatura

Language: Czech Studies in Czech
University website: www.upol.cz
Years of study: 4
German(s) may refer to:
Literature, most generically, is any body of written works. More restrictively, literature writing is considered to be an art form, or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage.
From the hour of the invention of printing, books, and not kings, were to rule the world. Weapons forged in the mind, keen-edged, and brighter than a sunbeam, were to supplant the sword and battle-axe. Books! lighthouses built on the sea of time! Books! by whose sorcery the whole pageantry of the world's history moves in solemn procession before our eyes. From their pages great souls look down in all their grandeur, undimmed by the faults and follies of earthly existence, consecrated by time.
Edwin Percy Whipple, p. 386.
The great standard of literature as to purity and exactness of style is the Bible.
Hugh Blair, p. 386.
* * * A man of the world amongst men of letters, a man of letters amongst men of the world.
Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay, On Sir William Temple.
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