Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

African Studies

Africká studia

Language: Czech Studies in Czech
University website:
Years of study: 4
African Studies
African studies is the study of Africa, especially the continent's cultures and societies (as opposed to its geology, geography, zoology, etc.). The field includes the study of Africa's history (Pre-colonial, colonial, post-colonial), demography (ethnic groups), culture, politics, economy, languages, and religion (Islam, Christianity, traditional religions). A specialist in African studies is often referred to as an "Africanist". A key focus of the discipline is to interrogate epistemological approaches, theories and methods in traditional disciplines using a critical lens that inserts African-centred ways of knowing and references.
While near-surface disposal of short-lived nuclear waste has reached industrial maturity, deep geological disposal of long-lived spent fuel is not yet as far. An EU-funded initiative brought together regulators and technical safety organisations (TSOs) to develop a network of independent experts and evaluate deep geological repositories.
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