Cagliari, Italy



Language: Italian Studies in Italian
Subject area: biology
University website:
Neuroscience (or neurobiology) is the scientific study of the nervous system. It is a multidisciplinary branch of biology, that combines physiology, anatomy, molecular biology, developmental biology, cytology, mathematical modeling and psychology to understand the fundamental and emergent properties of neurons and neural circuits. The understanding of the biological basis of learning, memory, behavior, perception and consciousness has been defined as "the ultimate challenge of the biological sciences".
The phenomenal world according to neuroscience is the result of the final transformations of sense data somewhere in the brain. Yet the brain itself belongs to that phenomenal world. R. D. Laing (1976) asks, "How, as a member of the set we have to account for, can it be used to account for the set as a whole, and all members of the set, including itself?"
Francis J. Broucek (1991) Shame and the Self. p. 143: He cites Ronald David Laing (1976) The facts of life. p. 25
The elegant study... is consistent with the themes of modern cognitive neuroscience. Every aspect of thought and emotion is rooted in brain structure and function, including many psychological disorders and, presumably, genius. The study confirms that the brain is a modular system comprising multiple intelligences, mostly nonverbal.
Steven Pinker "On Einstein's brain," The New York Times (June 24, 1999)
Neuroscience has contributed so much in just a few decades to how we think about human nature and how we know ourselves.
Jonah Lehrer (2009) Chimeras of Experience: A Conversation with Jonah Lehrer, (May 21, 2009)
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