Tula, Russia

Clinical Medicine

Клиническая медицина

Language: Russian Studies in Russian
Subject area: medicine, health care
University website: tsu.tula.ru
Clinical Medicine
Clinical Medicine is a bimonthly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the Royal College of Physicians. It was established in 1966 as the Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London. It carried both names between 1998 and 2000, and since 2001 it has appeared as Clinical Medicine. The editor-in-chief is Humphrey Hodgson (emeritus professor of UCL Medical School).
Medicine is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others.
Learn'd he was in medic'nal lore,
For by his side a pouch he wore,
Replete with strange hermetic powder
That wounds nine miles point-blank would solder.
Samuel Butler, Hudibras, Part I (1663-64), Canto II, line 223.
When taken
To be well shaken.
George Colman the Younger, Broad Grins, The Newcastle Apothecary, Stanza 12.
Who shall decide when doctors disagree,
And soundest casuists doubt, like you and me?
Alexander Pope, Moral Essays (1731-35), Epistle III.
When you think about the Earth’s oceans you probably imagine stretches of deep, dark water, exotic marine life and pristine waves. You probably don’t think of vast islands of plastic waste such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an expanse of rubbish which some say is bigger than the continental United States. It was feared that collections of plastic debris like this were growing in line with our increasing rates of plastic production over the past decades. However, scientists have recently discovered that these floating eyesores are mysteriously receding – and that’s actually not a good thing…
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