Brno, Czech Republic

Media and Journalism Studies

Language: English Studies in English
Subject area: journalism and information
University website:
Years of study: 4
Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events. The word journalism applies to the occupation (professional or not), the methods of gathering information and organising literary styles. Journalistic mediums include print, television, radio, Internet and in the past: newsreels.
Journalism Studies
Journalism Studies is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal covering communication studies as it pertains to journalism. It was established in 2000 by Bob Franklin (Cardiff University), who served as its editor-in-chief until stepping down in 2018. It is published by Routledge on behalf of the European Journalism Training Association and the Journalism Studies Interest Group of the International Communication Association. The current editor-in-chief is Folker Hanusch (University of Vienna). According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2016 impact factor of 1.927.
The highest reach of a news-writer is an empty Reasoning on Policy, and vain Conjectures on the public Management.
Jean de La Bruyère, The Characters or Manners of the Present Age (1688), Chapter I.
When found, make a note of.
Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son, Chapter 15.
The press is like the air, a chartered libertine.
William Pitt, to Lord Grenville (About 1757).
When you think about the Earth’s oceans you probably imagine stretches of deep, dark water, exotic marine life and pristine waves. You probably don’t think of vast islands of plastic waste such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an expanse of rubbish which some say is bigger than the continental United States. It was feared that collections of plastic debris like this were growing in line with our increasing rates of plastic production over the past decades. However, scientists have recently discovered that these floating eyesores are mysteriously receding – and that’s actually not a good thing…
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