Moscow, Russia

Investigation of Growth and Microenvironment of the Glioblastoma

Language: English Studies in English
University website:
4 years
Growth may refer to:
Investigation or Investigations may refer to:
It is not growing like a tree
In bulk, doth make man better be;
Or standing long an oak, three hundred year,
To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere:
A lily of a day
Is fairer far in May,
Although it falls and die that night—
It was the plant and flower of Light.
Ben Jonson, Pindaric Ode on the Death of Sir H. Morison.
You cannot force ideas. Successful ideas are the result of slow growth. Ideas do not reach perfection in a day, no matter how much study is put upon them.
Alexander Graham Bell, Bell Telephone Talk, Interview with Bell published in How They Succeeded (1901) by Orison Swett Marden, Ch. 2. (1901).
Gardener, for telling me these news of woe,
Pray God the plants thou graft'st may never grow.
William Shakespeare, Richard II (c. 1595), Act III, scene 4, line 100.
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