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« Doctoral studies
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (PhysTech)
Московский физико-технический институт
Additive Combinatorics
AI, Robotics, Path Planning
Application of Low Temperature Plasmas for Flow Control
Application of Neutron Activation Analysis in Environmental Studies
Applications of the Tagged Neutrons Method
Artificial Intelligence in Secure Info Communications
Astroparticle Physics
Asymptotical Properties of Random Structures
Automorphism Groups of Affine Algebraic Varieties
Aviation and Rocket-and-space Technics
Big Genetic Data Management for Translational Biosciences and Clinical Oncology
Bioinformatics, Genetics and Molecular Biology Projects Focused on Treatment of Diseases
Biological sciences
Chemistry sciences
Cold Neutron Moderators and Research of Radiation Resistance
Computational Biology of Regulation of Transcription Initiation
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Data Analysis
Computer Vision Methods and Their Applications for Robotic Platforms
Development and Application of Bigdata Analysis Systems for Studies of Quark
Development of Finite Difference Schemesand Numerical Simulation of Neutrons Or Radiation Transport Processes Under Condition of Strong Interaction with Matter
Development of the Intense Source of Low-Energy Neutrons
Discrete and Convex Geometry
Experimental Cancer Research
Experimental Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 76ge
Experimental Spectroscopy of Light Mesons
Experimental Study of Combustion and Explosion in Gases
Expert on Global Public Health and International Health Development
Functional and Bayesian Data Analysis
Functional Genomics, Gene Engineering, Drug Discovery
Game Theory and Behavioral Economics
Genetic Control of Genetic Stability
Geometric Group Theory, Geometric Topology, Hyperbolic Geometry, Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups, Arithmetic Groups, Reflection Groups, Coxeter Polytopes
Global Profiling of Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Functioning and Protein Turnover
Heavy Ion Collisions at High Energies
High-Order Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations with Applications to Aerodynamics, Rarefied Gas Dynamics and Parallel Computing
Human Neuroscience
Human Stem Cell Reprogramming for Regenerative Biomedicine
Interactions in the Model Membranes Mimicking Preclinical Conformational Diseases
Investigation of Growth and Microenvironment of the Glioblastoma
Investigation of Low-Dimensional Heterostructures with Polarized Neutron Reflectometry
Investigation of Wave Phenomena Using Computational Experiments
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Linear and Non-Linear Waves in Microstruc-Tured Optical Media
Low Background Experiments on Basic Nuclear and Particle Physics
Machine Learning Applications in Astro-Particle Physics
Material Science of Quantum Materials
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Fluids Flows
Mixed Convection of Liquid Metals
Models of Influence and (Mis)Information Processes in Social Networks
Models, Algorithms and Software in Applied Combinatorial Optimization
Modern Optical Devices and Single Photons
Molecular Neurobiology
Multimedia Processing and Transmission
Multiparticle Effects in the Description of Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Nuclear Matter
Neutrino Physics
Neutron Graphic Investigations of Su-Pramolecular Structures
Nonlinear Wave Structures in Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems
Novel Synthetic Methodology of Conducting Polymers and Composites
Nuclear Physics with Neutrons
Numerical Methods for Nonsmooth Optimization
Numerical Methods for Pde, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Numerical Methods of Optimization
Numerical Optimization and Computational Optimal Transport
Numerical Simulation of Shock and Detonation Waves Propagation in Various Media
Open Quantum Systems
Optical Properties of Carbon Nanostructures
Photo-Processes in the Field of Ultra-Short Laser Pulses
Plant Genomics and Transcriptomics
Plasma Astrophysics, Comparative Plan-Etary Atmospheres
Plasma of Astrophysics
Precision Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters in the Juno Experiment
Properties of Mesoscopic Systems
Properties of Refractory Substances at Ultra-High Temperatures
Quantitative Texture Analysis
Quantum Coherent Phenomena at Nanoscale
Quantum Dynamics and Control
Quantum Effects in Strongly Correlated and Quantum Materials
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
Quantum Information Theory
Quantum Nanoplasmonics & Nanophotonics
Radiation Biophysics, Oncology, Drug Discovery
Relativistic and Plasma Astrophysics
Scientific Software and Data Analysis in Non‑Accelerator Particle Physics
Search of New Phenomena Beyond Standard Model with Atlas Detector
Singularities of Differential Equations and Their Applications
Solar Activity and Space Weather
Spintronic Heterostructures for the Signals Detection and Generation
Stable Coalitional Structures and other Topics in Game Theory
Strange Hyperon Production and Search for Nuclear Matter
Studies of Hadron Production Mechanisms
Study of Antimicrobial Resistance Mechanisms and Biomarkers of Inflammation
Study of Polarized and Unpolarized Structure of Hadrons in Hadronic Collisions
Super Conformal Indices, Seiberg Dualities and Special Functions
Superconducting Spintronics
Supramolecular Chemistry
Sustainable Energy and Fuels
Terahertz Spintronics and Magnonics of Ferro- and Antiferromagnets
The Numerical Simulation of Dynamics Problems in Heterogeneous Media
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Investigation of Electronic Structure of Molecules
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Theory of Wave Processes in Space Plasma
Translational Neuroscience
Tunneling and Andreev Spectroscopy of High-Temperature Superconductors
Ultracold Rydberg Atoms and Ultracold Plasma
Unstable States in Dissociation of Relativistic Nuclei in Nuclear Track Emulsion
Virtual Knot Theory
Компьютерные и информационные науки
Математика и механика
Физика и астрономия
Фотоника, приборостроение, оптические и биотехнические системы и технологии
Электроника, радиотехника и системы связи
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (PhysTech) - Presentation of the University
Physical sciences, Earth sciences
Multi-source energy harvester for next-gen wearables
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