Yekaterinburg, Russia

Human Capital Research

Language: English Studies in English
University website:
3 years
Humans (taxonomically Homo sapiens) are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. The Hominina are sister of the Chimpanzees with which they form the Hominini belonging to the family of great apes. They are characterized by erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; and a general trend toward larger, more complex brains and societies.
Research comprises "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications." It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field. Research projects can be used to develop further knowledge on a topic, or in the example of a school research project, they can be used to further a student's research prowess to prepare them for future jobs or reports. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a whole. The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentation, discovery, interpretation, or the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge. Approaches to research depend on epistemologies, which vary considerably both within and between humanities and sciences. There are several forms of research: scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing, practitioner research, life, technological, etc.
Attempt the end and never stand to doubt;
Nothing's so hard but search will find it out.
Robert Herrick, Hesperides (1648), Seeke and Finde.
In general it may be said that demand is quite as necessary to the increase of capital as the increase of capital is to demand.
Thomas Malthus (1836) Principles of Political Economy. Book II, Chapter I, On the Progress of Wealth, Section IV, p. 349 ( See also; Says Law)
Capitalism is the condition of possessing capital; the position of a capitalist; a system which favours the existence of capitalists.
James Murray and Henry Bradley, Philological Society (1933) Oxford English Dictionary. Vol 2. p. 94 Lemma "Capitalism"
Small-scale renewable energy systems are changing the global energy landscape, lowering environmental impacts. An EU-funded project is developing new tools for distribution system operators (DSOs) to support their new roles in the European electricity system.
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