Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Chemical Engineering

Language: English Studies in English
Subject area: engineering and engineering trades
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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that uses principles of chemistry, applied physics, life sciences (microbiology and biochemistry), applied mathematics and economics to efficiently use, produce, transform, and transport chemicals, materials and energy. A chemical engineer designs large-scale processes that convert chemicals, raw materials, living cells, microorganisms and energy into useful forms and products.
Engineering is the creative application of science, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of structures, machines, materials, devices, systems, processes, and organizations. The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.
Engineering is too important to wait for science.
Benoît Mandelbrot As quoted in "Fractal Finance" by Greg Phelan in Yale Economic Review (Fall 2005)
There are two laws discrete,
Not reconciled,—
Law for man, and law for thing;
The last builds town and fleet,
But it runs wild,
And doth the man unking.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ode, Inscribed to William H. Channing
Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man.
Thomas Tredgold (1828), used in the Royal Charter of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) published in: The Times, London, article CS102127326, 30 June 1828.
In the marine environment human activities and other factors can result in algal blooms and habitat destruction, which may affect people's health and local communities. A common method for assessing the status of water quality is by measuring its optical properties to determine sewage impact, dissolved organic matter, sediment loads or biological activity.
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