Cambridge, United Kingdom

Optometry and Vision Sciences

Language: English Studies in English
Subject area: medicine, health care
Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies
University website:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Optometry is a health care profession which involves examining the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the medical diagnosis and management of eye disease. Traditionally, the field of optometry began with the primary focus of correcting refractive error through the use of spectacles. Modern day optometry, however, has evolved through time so that the education curriculum additionally includes intensive medical training in the diagnosis and management of ocular disease in countries where the profession is established and regulated.
Vision or The Vision may refer to:
Two men look out through the same bars:
One sees the mud, and one the stars.
Frederick Langbridge, In A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts; published by the Religious Tract Society.
For sight is woman-like and shuns the old.
(Ah! he can see enough, when years are told,
Who backwards looks).
Victor Hugo, Eviradnus, IX.
For any man with half an eye,
What stands before him may espy;
But optics sharp it needs I ween,
To see what is not to be seen.
John Trumbull, McFingal (1775-1782), Canto I, line 67.
An EU-funded consortium is working on increasing the efficiency and reliability of coal-fired power plants in India and Turkey.
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