Bangor, United Kingdom

Ocean Sciences

Language: English Studies in English
Subject area: physical science, environment
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An ocean (from Ancient Greek Ὠκεανός, transc. Okeanós, the sea of classical antiquity) is a body of saline water that composes much of a planet's hydrosphere. On Earth, an ocean is one of the major conventional divisions of the World Ocean. These are, in descending order by area, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern (Antarctic), and Arctic Oceans. The word sea is often used interchangeably with "ocean" in American English but, strictly speaking, a sea is a body of saline water (generally a division of the world ocean) partly or fully enclosed by land.
Bioenergy produced from refined biomass can reduce emissions that contribute to climate change while providing energy security. Cooperative funding of the most promising projects should lower costs and increase sustainability.
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