London, United Kingdom

Development Studies

Language: English Studies in English
Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies
University website:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Development or developing may refer to:
Development Studies
Development studies is an interdisciplinary branch of social science. Development studies is offered as a specialized master's degree in a number of universities, and, less commonly, as an undergraduate degree. It has grown in popularity as a subject of study since the early 1990s, and has been most widely taught and researched in the third world and in countries with a colonial history, such as the UK, where development studies originated. Students of development studies often choose careers in international organisations such as the United Nations, World Bank, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), private sector development consultancy firms, corporate social responsibility (CSR) bodies and research centers.
Current global observational and modelling capabilities allow scientists to produce estimates of the carbon budget, but many uncertainties remain. An EU-funded initiative was therefore established to provide more and better data on carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) through a global carbon observation and analysis system.
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