Oxford, United Kingdom

Future Propulsion and Power

Language: English Studies in English
University website: www.ox.ac.uk
The future is what will happen in the time after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist forever, or temporary, meaning that it will end. Encyclopædia of religion and ethics. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. Page 335–337. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone.
Power typically refers to:
Propulsion means to push forward or drive an object forward . The term is derived from two Latin words: pro, meaning before or forward; and pellere, meaning to drive. A propulsion system consists of a source of mechanical power, and a propulsor (means of converting this power into propulsive force).
How many ages hence
Shall this our lofty scene be acted over
In states unborn and accents yet unknown.
William Shakespeare, Julius Cæsar (1599), Act III, scene 1, line 111.
With whom there is no place of toil, no burning heat, no piercing cold, nor any briars there … this place we call the Bosom of Abraham.
Josephus, Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades. Homer, Odyssey, VI. 42.
I have obtained... spark discharges extending through more than one hundred feet and carrying currents of one thousand amperes, electromotive forces approximating twenty million volts, chemically active streamers covering areas of several thousand square feet, and electrical disturbances in the natural media surpassing those caused by lightning, in intensity.
Whatever the future may bring, the universal application of these great principles is fully assured, though it may be long in coming. With the opening of the first power plant, incredulity will give way to wonderment, and this to ingratitude, as ever before.
Nikola Tesla, "The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires as a Means for Furthering Peace" in Electrical World and Engineer (7 January 1905) .
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