Coventry, United Kingdom

Health, Social Work & Welfare

Language: English Studies in English
Subject area: medicine, health care
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Health is the ability of a biological system to acquire, convert, allocate, distribute, and utilize energy with maximum efficiency. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined human health in a broader sense in its 1948 constitution as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition has been subject to controversy, in particular as lacking operational value, the ambiguity in developing cohesive health strategies and because of the problem created by use of the word "complete", which makes it practically impossible to achieve. Other definitions have been proposed, among which a recent definition that correlates health and personal satisfaction.
Living organisms including humans are social when they live collectively in interacting populations, whether they are aware of it, and whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
Social Work
Social work is an academic discipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being. Social functioning refers to the way in which people perform their social roles, and the structural institutions that are provided to sustain them. Social work applies social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, public health, community development, law, and economics, to engage with client systems, conduct assessments, and develop interventions to solve social and personal problems; and create social change. Social work practice is often divided into micro-work, which involves working directly with individuals or small groups; and macro-work, which involves working communities, and within social policy, to create change on a larger scale.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for citizens and other eligible residents without sufficient current means to support basic needs. In most developed countries, welfare is mainly provided by the government from tax revenue, and to a lesser extent by NGOs, charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations.
Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.
Ronald Reagan, Interview, Los Angeles Times (7 January 1970).
Cur moriatur homo, cui salvia crescit in horto?
Why should (need) a man die who has sage in his garden?
The "general welfare" is not the sphere of truth; for truth demands to be declared even if it is ugly and unethical.
Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Ethics".
Researchers have developed a novel biofilter system that can eliminate nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater without the presence of organic matter.
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