Exeter, United Kingdom


Language: English Studies in English
Subject area: physical science, environment
Kind of studies: full-time studies
University website: www.exeter.ac.uk
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Geology (from the Ancient Greek γῆ, gē, i.e. "earth" and -λoγία, -logia, i.e. "study of, discourse") is an earth science concerned with the solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change over time. Geology can also refer to the study of the solid features of any terrestrial planet or natural satellite, (such as Mars or the Moon).
In collecting the primary geologic data, some personal capacities of the geologist (such as strong physique, perceptive faculties, perseverance, talent for drawing) are generally of much greater importance than in any of the sister sciences, which can rely on the quality of the instruments used in collecting primary data… Hans Cloos (1949) called this way of interrogation [by geologists] "the dialogue with the earth," "das Gespraich mit der Erde."
In: p. 456.
The past history of our globe must be explained by what can be seen to be happening now. No powers are to be employed that are not natural to the globe, no action to be admitted except those of which we know the principle.
James Hutton, Theory of the Earth. (Paper, published in Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1785).
The increasing number of factors playing a role in the various complexes of natural phenomena are the origin of new, so-called emergent, laws and characteristics. Based on this principle of emergence, a hierarchy of sciences can be distinguished: physics-chemistry-geology-biology-psychology.
In: p. 453
The rise in offshore construction has led to explosions, fires and spills that have had a devastating impact on humans, the environment and the economy. An EU initiative aimed at developing an international legal framework that regulates offshore construction.
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